This update of the Keyhole Farm keyhole garden site contains something different, a look at some of the insects that play a part in our gardening adventure, primarily my trying to get creative in capturing their images. But to backtrack briefly, our keyhole gardens are doing very well.
On the menu bar at the left of this page you can click on a title and view the last post and the ones prior to it, so you can get a pretty solid idea of where we’ve been this year and where we currently are.
I am still receiving compliments on a garden tour in which we participated on April 16, Dr. Deb’s Keyhole Garden Tour (A Garden Adventure in Bosque County, Texas) where approximately 225 garden enthusiasts primarily from different parts of Texas toured numerous keyhole gardens near Clifton, including our seven, during a period of about five hours.
Previous posts tell what we’ve been picking, but on this post I want to mention that one of the photos shows garlic and potatoes. I had never had much luck with potatoes before, but I have this year. Rat’s tail radishes are doing well, English peas are finishing up to make way for okra and black-eyed-peas which are currently being planted in their stead.
Our sunflowers are staring to blossom. I have had some people tell me that they consider sunflowers weeds and why do I grow them. Personally, yellow is my favorite color so I like the splash it makes above my gardens, plus they are tall and provide a light shade, which to me is perfect.
I am always the yellow ball when we play croquet. I am yellow in the game Sorry and play the part of Col. Mustard in Clue. The school-bus yellow in sunflowers are really mesmerizing and can be interpreted as the iris of an eye, planks in a UFO, or just about anything, especially the sun itself.
One of the images on this update is a view of some of the gardens, from a wider perspective, to give an idea of density and height. There is also a shot of a lightning bug (or firefly), a dreaded squash bug, busy bees (one image is the “last teardrop”), and several of some butterflies.
My favorite
are two shots where first, a butterfly is coming in for a landing on a sunflower bloom and, second, he is there, along with a bee.
There are also some images of morning glories, since I have planted a few in the gardens to add a little color. They are quite resplendent.
With this update the photos might appear small on the page, but they can be clicked on to enlarge them, then click again to make them small again.
Our experiment station is located in Clifton and our manufacturing plant is in Granbury.
If anyone wants to tour our experiment station, just give me a call at 254-652-9483 or e-mail me at and we can make arrangements.
It’s not too late to take the plunge at keyholing, so if anyone wants to order a kit, there is a menu bar above that will take you there.